Eye laser surgery is a surgical procedure generally performed to correct vision defects such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. Laser surgeries shape the corneal layer of the eye, allowing light to focus properly on the retina.

Eye laser surgeries are also known as eye scratching. General applications are aimed at solving vision problems such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia. Laser eye treatments are surgical procedures used to correct eye problems or improve vision. These treatments are usually administered to reduce or eliminate the need to wear glasses or contact lenses.

Laser Eye Treatment Methods

Laser eye treatment methods are surgical procedures used to correct eye problems or improve vision. These treatments are often performed to reduce or eliminate the need to wear glasses or contact lenses.

These surgeries, which have subtypes such as Lasik, Relex Smile, Lasek, No-Touch Laser and PRK, are surgical procedures performed on people who do not want to wear glasses, have problems in using contact lenses or have decreased tolerance. These are eye surgeries performed with laser to provide clear vision without glasses for astigmatism, myopia and hyperopia.

LASIK: Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis

LASIK is the most widely used laser eye treatment method. In this procedure, the upper layer of the cornea (epithelium) is removed by creating a flap and the underlying corneal tissue is reshaped with a laser.

Unlike LASIK, LASEK, this flap is created using a microkeratome or femto sequence laser. The tissue under the cornea is reshaped with a laser and the flap is closed back. The flap is then closed back into place.

LASIK is used to correct eye problems such as myopia: long distance, hyperopia: near distance and astigmatism.

I-LASIK; Intralase LASIK

I-LASIK method is performed using wavefront technology and intralase, that is, bladeless method. In addition to treating visual impairments such as myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia, this method is also used in the preparation of appropriate channels for the rings used in the treatment of keratoconus and in the application of keratoplasty.

The incision required for LASIK is made using femtosecond rays in a controlled manner with the help of a computer system. It is possible to create a corneal map of patients with the wavefront technology used in the I-LASIK method. In this way, personalized treatment can be applied.

Apart from correcting vision problems, laser treatments are used to eliminate dry eye, glaucoma and retinal vascular problems. These are applications generally performed in the office environment and at the patient’s chair. They are not surgeries but are outpatient treatments.

Lasik surgery is a surgical method that takes approximately 4-5 minutes and consists of two stages. Complaints such as burning and stinging occur for 3-4 hours after the surgery and disappear. The person can easily return to his daily life the next day.

LASEK Laser: Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis

LASEK is based on the principle of removing the epithelial layer on the most surface of the cornea with the help of alcohol. The tissue under the cornea is then reshaped with a laser and the epithelial flap is reclosed. Similar to LASIK, it can be used for myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.

The healing process is completely similar to No-touch laser and PRK laser. These patients may experience burning, stinging and watering for 2-3 days. Vision becomes clear within an average of 1 week to 10 days.

PRK: Photorefractive Keratectomy

PRK; Photorefractive Keratectomy is a treatment method applied to patients with refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism to correct these defects. In this surgery, unlike No-touch laser treatment, the epithelial layer is peeled using alcohol or manually instead of laser shots.

The recovery time is the same as the No Touch laser, and the person can return to his normal life after approximately 2-3 days of burning, stinging and watering. It will be necessary to wait approximately 1 week for clear vision.

PRK is a laser treatment method that involves removing the upper layer of the cornea. The tissue under the cornea is reshaped with a laser, but unlike LASIK, a flap is not used.

SMILE: Small Incision Lenticule Extraction

SMILE laser treatment is a personalized 3rd Generation laser technology that we apply to eyes with myopia and astigmatism. SMILE is a laser eye treatment performed by laser removal of a lenticule on the cornea to reduce the use of glasses or contact lenses. In this method, no flap is created.

With the single-stage SMILE laser method, myopia up to -10 and astigmatism up to -5 can be treated. It is a suitable treatment method for athletes and professional groups who are at risk of exposure to impact and pressure.

These laser eye treatment methods can correct a number of eye problems such as myopia: far, hyperopia: near, astigmatism and presbyopia: age-related need for near glasses. However, each individual’s eye structure and needs are different, so it is important to consult with an ophthalmologist to determine which treatment method is most appropriate.

Your ophthalmologist will recommend the most appropriate treatment for you as a result of the eye examination. Laser eye treatments can vary greatly depending on the condition of your eye and your preferences. The surgery takes approximately 5 minutes. After the surgery, the person can easily return to his/her daily life the next day after complaints such as burning, stinging and watering for 3-4 hours.

No-Touch Laser; Transepithelial PRK

Transepithelial PRK method, known as No-Touch Laser, is a method generally applied to patients with thin corneal structure. In this technique, unlike Lasik surgery, a thin membrane layer is not removed from the corneal layer. Instead, laser shots are made to the epithelial layer at the top of the cornea and the stromal tissue underneath, and the numbers are corrected.

The patient does not feel any pain during this procedure, which takes approximately 3-4 minutes under local anesthesia. After the surgery, the patient wears contact lenses and is discharged. After this surgery, complaints such as burning and stinging may occur for approximately 3-4 days.

However, these complaints are kept to a minimum with the special drops prepared in our clinic. After the checks on the 1st and 3rd day of the surgery, the contact lens is removed and the patient can return to his daily life. In the No-Touch Laser method, approximately 1 week is needed for clear vision.

To Whom Can Laser Treatment Be Applied?

  • Over 18 years old
  • Myopic up to -10 diopters
  • Astigmatism up to 6 diopters
  • With hyperopia up to +4 diopters
  • Those who are not pregnant or breastfeeding
  • No increase in eye numbers in the last year
  • Those who have no eye pressure or any disease in the retina layer
  • Laser eye treatment is applied to people whose corneal tissue, which is the transparent layer of the eye, is both thick and structurally suitable.

Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Treatment

In which diseases is laser eye contouring applied?

It is applied in the treatment of refractive errors such as myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia.

What is the age for eye contouring with laser?

Laser surgery can be performed after the age of 18.

How Long Does Laser Eye Removal Surgery Take?

Laser treatment takes approximately 4-5 minutes for each eye, and no pain is felt. It is very important that the patient is comfortable throughout the treatment and follows the doctor’s instructions. After the treatment is completed, the patient is removed from the laser room without bandaging his eyes.

What are the Types of Laser Eye Removal Surgery?

13 different methods are used in laser treatment, known as eye contouring. The eye examination for laser treatment takes approximately 1 and a half hours and requires an examination that includes detailed examinations.

Which is the Best Laser Method?

There is no best method in laser surgery, there is only one method that best suits the person’s eye. After a detailed examination, you and your doctor can decide on the most appropriate method.

Can Laser Surgery Be Performed on Both Eyes at the Same Time?

We can perform laser surgery on both eyes in the same session. Laser surgeries, which have subtypes such as Lasik, Relex Smile, Lasek, No-touch Laser and PRK, are surgeries performed on people who do not want to wear glasses, have problems in using contact lenses or have decreased tolerance.

Is It Possible to Treat Astigmatism with Laser Surgery?

It is possible to safely correct astigmatism up to size 6 with laser surgery.

Does Eye Disorder Go Away After Laser Surgery?

The aim is to bring the eye impairment degrees after laser surgery to + / – 0.50. The aim of laser is to see as much without glasses as you can with glasses. Numbers 0.5 and below are glasses-free values ​​and are perceived as successful.

If the laser is applied while the numbers are still progressing, you may have to use glasses again. Therefore, the numbers must not increase for at least 1 year. After laser surgery, 95% of myopes and 70% of hyperopia remain without glasses.

If I Blink or Move My Eyes During Laser Surgery, Will My Surgery Be Negatively Affected?

Since we placed an apparatus to keep your eyelids open during the surgery, you do not have the chance to close your eyes. In addition, since the latest technology devices have a system that recognizes your eye movements, the device does not apply laser treatment when you move your eyes. We continue the laser process after taking your eyes back to the desired position.

Do Doctors Offer Laser Treatment?

Laser surgeries have been performed safely and with FDA approval since the 1990s. Doctors and their families can have this surgery safely and with peace of mind. Among ophthalmologists, we have many colleagues who perform this surgery themselves.

Can I avoid laser surgery in the future because I use contact lenses?

There is no such thing as laser application to people who wear contact lenses. Problems that may occur on the eye surface due to long-term and uncontrolled contact lens use rarely cause us to change the laser method.

Are Laser Surgeries Painful Procedures?

There is no pain during surgery in any laser procedure, but in surface surgeries such as PRK-No Touch-LASEK, burning, stinging and watering may occur for 2-3 days after the procedure.

Can Those Who Had Laser Surgery Have Cataract or Smart Lens Surgery in the Future?

We apply laser treatment to the cornea layer of our eye, whereas we apply cataract surgery or smart lens surgery to the lens located behind the iris layer of our eye. Since these two tissues are independent of each other, people who have laser surgery may have cataract or smart lens surgery in the future.

Can I Get Laser Again After Laser Surgery?

After laser procedures, the probability of the numbers repeating or remaining numbers is around 2-3%. If your corneal structure allows it, we can perform the laser procedure again.