What is (Bird Wing, Eye Meat Walking)?

Pterygium, or as it is popularly known, birdwing disease; It can cause stinging, watering and redness in the eye, and depending on its level, it can narrow the visual field and prevent vision.

  • Early diagnosis and treatment is a very important disease because some types cause irregular astigmatism, which cannot be corrected even with glasses.
  • The treatment of this disease, the most important cause of which is UV rays, is to surgically remove the tissue before it settles in the deeper layers of the cornea.
  • Various methods have been used in surgical treatment, but the biggest disadvantage of the old methods was the recurrence of the tissue. By using conjunctival autograft and tissue adhesive in our clinic, we reduce the recurrence rates and minimize the complaints of our patients such as burning and stinging after surgery.

Pterygium (Eye) Treatment

Pterygium is common in our country. The only known treatment option for pterygium is surgery. In the treatment of eyelid, the conjunctival autograft method is preferred by removing the flesh on the cornea, which is the transparent layer of the eye, and using the tissue bonding technique. This method has many advantages. In the Conjunctival autograft technique with tissue adhesive, recurrence rates decreased to 1%, and since no stitches were used, the patient’s feeling of discomfort after the surgery was greatly reduced.

How Does Recovery Happen After Pterygium Surgery?

Redness in the eyes continues for 10-15 days after the surgery, but the feeling of discomfort subsides after the first few days and the person can return to daily life after 3-4 days.

Do I Need to Use Drops After Pterygium Surgery?

Since the flesh tissue in the eye is completely cleaned after the surgery, special drops are used to accelerate the healing of that area.

Is there a possibility of recurrence after pterygium treatment?

With the conjunctival autograft and tissue adhesive technique, the recurrence rate has decreased to approximately 1%.

What Should I Do to Prevent Pterygium?

The most obvious reason for the formation of flesh in the eyes is considered to be UV rays. That’s why the protection of sunglasses, especially those with closed edges, becomes important.

What is Yellow Spot (Pinguecula) on the White of the Eye?

Pinguecula, seen as a yellow spot on the white of the eye, is the name given to the fat accumulation in the white part of our eyes that causes complaints such as redness, burning and stinging in the eyes. The only known treatment for this lesion, which is smaller than pterygium, is surgery. If this disorder does not cause any complaints in the person, it can be followed up. Sometimes, walking around with red eyes may be aesthetically uncomfortable; in these cases, surgery may be considered.